588. Shine

I recognize my suffering now,

As never I have before.

I will never again allow,

My soul to close its’ door;

For I am a bright being of light,

Trapped in a world of black,

Where the brighter of a light,

The more the darkness will attack.

Yes, I am light living in darkness,

But the darkness has not prevailed!

My light has become less and less,

Though it is not yet veiled!

No, the darkness may have dimmed my light,

But it endures nonetheless.

My soul emerges new and bright,…

A sun: Radiant and boundless!

The dark, it can not hold me back,

Nor cease my eternal spark.

I light a way through the pitiless black,

For those who hear: Hark! Hark!

You are made of stars and light.

Mortal only in time and place.

Your end is not darkness and night,

Just as all stars out in space.

You will always exist and emerge,

Triumphant,…in brilliant display.

So forever let your light surge,

And to light and goodness pray.

For in the end light will always win,

And the darkness must retreat in hate;

As the universe, time, and planets spin,…

An eternity of light and love awaits.

K. Aldaya, 7/18/22

Picture: By Olivia Bauso on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/nKWXb8EGzO0

586. Beyond

I long for my ancestors.

Please help me find my way.

Why must I live apart from you?

Day by day by day?

I long for your wisdom,

To find me,…so far from home.

Please whisper to my heart,

Ancient prophecies etched on tome.

Lead me to the old temples,

Of vision and insight,

To discover the way forward,

On the path most right.

Dance with me in gladness,

And sit with me through the pain.

Grant me resiliency.

Help me to take no day in vain.

I long for my ancestors.

Please hear my sincere prayer.

I feel so lost without you here,

Though, life is not fair.

So, I must do my best,

In the arms of far exile.

Beyond the temple doors,

I take on the universe,…mile by mile.

K. Aldaya, 6/21/22

Picture: By Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/251hbdY3M4E

565. Arcane

I waited lifetimes for men to do what is right,

To seek truth, no matter how hard,

And light-up the ageless night,…

In search of each shard,

Of forgotten plight.

Yet, there’s no use in waiting for hope or justice,

When men seek what’s easy, not just,…

And sleep soundly at night, feckless,

As shadows are thrust,

In each orifice.

I waited lifetimes for no more than fantasy;

For when I look into the black,

It gazes back into me,

While those who won’t see,

Endlessly attack,…

And I grin, knowingly.

K. Aldaya, 11/17/21


  1. From Sucker Punch; https://gifs.alphacoders.com/gifs/view/181159

2. From Sucker Punch; https://www.fanpop.com/clubs/sucker-punch/images/26330438/title/babydoll-photo/4

389. The Web

Each word read,

A simple thought,

Yet when one meets another;

A web forms of connected thoughts,

And abstract intricacies.

The web spreads,

To snatch and learn;

To glean each captured phrase.

Read, listen; Ever more yearn,

For universal truth.

Each architect,

Grasps and weaves,

As the scope ever increases.

The more learned, the more one grieves,

The endlessness of thought.

The web purveys,

And never ends;

As learning leads to wisdom;

And learning never ends,

So humans become victims.



Brains weave and contemplate,

Truths too vast in scope to be,

Contained in human bone.

Each word read,

A simple thought,

Yet when one joins another.

A web forms of connected thoughts,

And “Insanity’s” it’s name.

K. Aldaya, 3/15/17

Picture: Tomás Saraceno, Galaxy Forming along Filaments, like Droplets along the Strands of a Spider’s Web, at the Venice Biennial, 2009; http://theredlist.com/wiki-2-351-382-1160-1166-view-argentina-profile-saraceno-tomas.html