601. New Year, Same Age

A new year has dawned,

O’er the Kingdom of Man,

In this age of great peril,

Where one does what one can,

To ward off evil,

And fortify the walls,

Of Truth, Light, and what is Right,

Against bespoken calls,

For dark to descend,

And snuff out divine Light,

From the spirits of all men,

And consume them in night.

Yet, no matter what,

Night will not ever win,

For Light, Goodness, and the Truth,

Always find a way in…

And radiate.

K. Aldaya, 1/5/23

Picture: By Ben O’Bro on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/wpU4veNGnHg

598. Companion

I truly don’t know what to say,

And even less, what to do,

For here on Earth there are some things,

Which can not be worked through.

I truly wish I knew the way,

So I could give you a clue;

Yet, that would merely be false hope…

I won’t do that to you.

All I can say is bide your time,

Pray and live each day anew,

For there’s not more to say than this:

I am here with you too.

K. Aldaya, 12/5/22

Picture: By Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/QZ9PsYOfwuM

594. Humans Silence Screams

Humans silence screams,

Yes, they refuse to hear.

They smother feelings with their hands,

And whisper, “No, not here!”.

Humans silence screams,

And leave voices estranged.

Severing all the connections,

‘Til the harm can’t be changed.

Humans silence screams,

And use without remorse.

They want the best without the worst,

And they get it by force.

Humans silence screams,

And exterminate choice.

For mutilated vocal cords,

Can not, then, bear a voice.

K. Aldaya, 10/19/22

Picture: From Vampire Diaries; https://tenor.com/view/choke-strangle-cant-breathe-gif-12216423

586. Beyond

I long for my ancestors.

Please help me find my way.

Why must I live apart from you?

Day by day by day?

I long for your wisdom,

To find me,…so far from home.

Please whisper to my heart,

Ancient prophecies etched on tome.

Lead me to the old temples,

Of vision and insight,

To discover the way forward,

On the path most right.

Dance with me in gladness,

And sit with me through the pain.

Grant me resiliency.

Help me to take no day in vain.

I long for my ancestors.

Please hear my sincere prayer.

I feel so lost without you here,

Though, life is not fair.

So, I must do my best,

In the arms of far exile.

Beyond the temple doors,

I take on the universe,…mile by mile.

K. Aldaya, 6/21/22

Picture: By Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/251hbdY3M4E

583. Disinformation and Lies

If truth hurts someone’s feelings,…

It’s disinformation,…

Though hurting you for it’s the state of the nation.

Politicians start race wars,

While blaming you and me,…

And praise morality,…

While spreading bigotry.

The masses tally point-cards,…

In games of victimhood,…

Then throw help away,…

Victimizing victimhood.

–People grow ever more tired and cruel,

Behind screens,…comments, texts, and tweets.

Trashed for each typo and misword,…

Passed with nary an eye to meet.–

What good’s a mouth that’s muzzled?

What good’s a mind, unwise?

What good’s a human heart,…

Where love can not arise?

K. Aldaya, 5/19/22

Picture: By: Maarten Scheer on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/7Ouf2hMCYi4