608. Arisen

Knock me down…I’ll be stronger still.

You can’t stop an idea,

Or the human will,

To stand against tyranny,

And to do what is right.

I stand for the truth,

And rise to the fight.

Push me back…I’ll stand and return.

No, you can not stop me.

It is my concern!

For wherever evil dwells,

I’ll shed new light onto.

You can not stop light,

Even in the darkest night,

It shines right on through.

K. Aldaya, 2/5/23

Picture: From Firefly; https://akb723.tumblr.com/post/150316024434/singfromthehair-no-power-in-the-verse-can-stop

604. Empowerment

Evil urgently seeks validation:

“Come hither, join,…agree,”

And grasps to near suffocation,…

Human souls, so desperately.

While Good needs no validation at all,

And ‘lone stands resolute.

For human hearts all know the call,

Of the morally absolute.

So stand alone…proud and strong. Do what’s right!

Strength is not in numbers,

Rather it’s in the Brightest Light,

To which darkness writhes and cowers.

For evil depresses,…

Good empowers.

K. Aldaya, 1/20/23

Picture: By Hofmann Natalia on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/lxrkrBx-c_o

603. Light of the World

I sat in the darkness,

All alone and unarmed.

For decades I cried,

While my soul was harmed.

No light could be seen,

From without or within,

‘Til I let go of the story,

That I’m born of man’s sin.

My soul then burst forth,

With the Light of God’s Love,

Radiant and Bright,

As I looked up above.

Humans kept me in dark,

And I’d be there still,

If I’d listened to their theories,

On God and His Will.

I went straight to the source,

And my soul lit the night.

I told the truth that I’d carried,

Knowing it was what was right.

Yes, I refused to stay,

Out of sight…Out of mind.

I am not a phantom,

For you to leave behind.

I am a human.

A child, just like you.

I’m a child of Light,

And so are you.

You do not belong here.

This place is not home.

This life is but struggle,

Yet, wherever you roam,

The Light is there…

For it is your own.

K. Aldaya, 1/16/23

Picture: By Julia Caesar on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/3-3k_sYEJ1s

601. New Year, Same Age

A new year has dawned,

O’er the Kingdom of Man,

In this age of great peril,

Where one does what one can,

To ward off evil,

And fortify the walls,

Of Truth, Light, and what is Right,

Against bespoken calls,

For dark to descend,

And snuff out divine Light,

From the spirits of all men,

And consume them in night.

Yet, no matter what,

Night will not ever win,

For Light, Goodness, and the Truth,

Always find a way in…

And radiate.

K. Aldaya, 1/5/23

Picture: By Ben O’Bro on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/wpU4veNGnHg

600. Messengers Get Shot

I know that hatred will come my way.

Humans hate to acknowledge evil,

As it means they’ll have to choose a side,…

They’ll no longer get to run or hide,

From what the Light of truth has to say.

Yes, I know that truth is hard to take.

Humans rarely choose truth when it hurts,

And the messengers are sure to pay,

For the things that they must surely say;

It is the sacrifice that they make.

I know that hatred will come my way,

As it is said: “Messengers get shot”.

It’s not what’s visible we should fear,

Rather what’s invisible and near,…

Yet, darkness dies in the Light of day.

K. Aldaya, 12/15/22

Picture: By Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/AR4sQoG4txg