604. Empowerment

Evil urgently seeks validation:

“Come hither, join,…agree,”

And grasps to near suffocation,…

Human souls, so desperately.

While Good needs no validation at all,

And ‘lone stands resolute.

For human hearts all know the call,

Of the morally absolute.

So stand alone…proud and strong. Do what’s right!

Strength is not in numbers,

Rather it’s in the Brightest Light,

To which darkness writhes and cowers.

For evil depresses,…

Good empowers.

K. Aldaya, 1/20/23

Picture: By Hofmann Natalia on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/lxrkrBx-c_o

600. Messengers Get Shot

I know that hatred will come my way.

Humans hate to acknowledge evil,

As it means they’ll have to choose a side,…

They’ll no longer get to run or hide,

From what the Light of truth has to say.

Yes, I know that truth is hard to take.

Humans rarely choose truth when it hurts,

And the messengers are sure to pay,

For the things that they must surely say;

It is the sacrifice that they make.

I know that hatred will come my way,

As it is said: “Messengers get shot”.

It’s not what’s visible we should fear,

Rather what’s invisible and near,…

Yet, darkness dies in the Light of day.

K. Aldaya, 12/15/22

Picture: By Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/AR4sQoG4txg

576. Freedom: Sold to the Highest Bidder

We live in a time when everyone talks, yet no one listens.

Where experience lies unappreciated,

And the most vital thoughts rejected,…

As the most trivial are collected,

To societies’ detriment.

How did we find ourselves here in this dystopian nightmare?

Where truth’s owned and controlled by the highest bidder,

Who muzzles and shackles the poor,…

While distracting, ties them down more and more,

‘Til not only are their bodies not free,

They aren’t free to think anymore.

K. Aldaya, 2/18/22

Picture: By Levi Stute on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/T-JyPYThwtw

565. Arcane

I waited lifetimes for men to do what is right,

To seek truth, no matter how hard,

And light-up the ageless night,…

In search of each shard,

Of forgotten plight.

Yet, there’s no use in waiting for hope or justice,

When men seek what’s easy, not just,…

And sleep soundly at night, feckless,

As shadows are thrust,

In each orifice.

I waited lifetimes for no more than fantasy;

For when I look into the black,

It gazes back into me,

While those who won’t see,

Endlessly attack,…

And I grin, knowingly.

K. Aldaya, 11/17/21


  1. From Sucker Punch; https://gifs.alphacoders.com/gifs/view/181159

2. From Sucker Punch; https://www.fanpop.com/clubs/sucker-punch/images/26330438/title/babydoll-photo/4

562. How Many Will Be Here Tomorrow?

As the world decays beneath us,

I wonder sorrowfully,

How many will be here tomorrow?

And will one of them be me?

The ground has opened wide,

Threatening to swallow us all,

As devil’s in humans’ clothes,

Neighborly push, to help us fall.

I have not prayed for many years,

And it may just be absurd,

But I find myself wanting to,

Even if it won’t be heard.

I fear that the demons are real,

And all the good angels have gone.

Now all we have is one another,

And little ground to stand upon.

((Australian Quarantine Camp))
((Chinese Quarantine Camp))

For I am but a mortal child,

Yet, I wonder anyway,

How many will be here tomorrow?

…I better write this today.

K. Aldaya, 9/13/21

Picture 1: By Fakurian Design on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/1r0TPtmhEZA

Picture 2: By National Cancer Institute on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/701-FJcjLAQ

Picture 3: From ABC News: Michael Franchi; https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-05-09/mining-camp-designers-plan-covid-19-quarantine-hub-in-wa/100119364

Picture 4: From CNN (VCG via Getty Images); https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/covid-china-quarantine-camp-hebei-b1790210.html

Picture 5: Posted by Jim Davidson on Twitter; https://twitter.com/planetaryjim/status/1298645415831777280