599. Life

You never came for me,

So I came for myself.

I wandered for years in search of me,

I took on the quest begrudgingly,

Because no one else would.

On Earth, we merely cope,

And do our best, despite;

Yet, though it may seem a tired old trope,

I have learned that where there’s hope, there’s life,

And where there’s life, there’s hope.

K. Aldaya, 12/11/22

Picture: By Amira Shawky on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/cRHXr4RXhtw

598. Companion

I truly don’t know what to say,

And even less, what to do,

For here on Earth there are some things,

Which can not be worked through.

I truly wish I knew the way,

So I could give you a clue;

Yet, that would merely be false hope…

I won’t do that to you.

All I can say is bide your time,

Pray and live each day anew,

For there’s not more to say than this:

I am here with you too.

K. Aldaya, 12/5/22

Picture: By Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/QZ9PsYOfwuM

585. That Which No One Seeks

That, which no one seeks,

Will never be found.

Who will seek for life,

With death all around?

For who will search for answers,

When ignorance is bliss?

Who will want the answers,

When death seals with a kiss?

That, which no one seeks,

Will never be found.

Who will claim the stars,

When they’re on the ground?

Who will ask the questions,

Which no one dares to ask?

And who will look for answers,

Beyond their human mask?

That, which no one seeks,

Will never be found.

Who will seek for light,

With gloom all around?

For life fades so quickly,

And time is not our friend.

It’s said: “Live…Thinking is sickly!”,…

“You don’t matter when you end”.

That which no one seeks,

Will never be found.

Too late,…the soul you seek,…

Is eternally unbound,…

…..Too late,….they can’t be found….

K. Aldaya, 6/20/22

Picture: By cdd20 on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/7sUlk1-PLZ0

580. Transcendence

Look to the stars, Earth Children!

Look to the stars!

The moon is beckoning.

The universe is calling.

Do not feel confined ‘tween Venus and Mars.

Wander, live, and take wing!

Out there, in the vast expanse,…

Out,…beyond Earth,

Are adventures untold,…

Endless worlds undiscovered.

For what is life and humanity worth,

When left unaccomplished?

Unpolished by experience,

And tarnished by pride.

Stunted by triviality,

While subdued by technicality;

And our home, on the Earth,

Where we try and hide,

From our future potentiality.

Look to the stars, Earth Children!

Look to the stars!

Heaven’s gates are open.

The only question is when?

When will we expand and explore the stars?

And draw, with universe to pen,

The masterpiece entitled:

“The Transcendence of Men”.

K. Aldaya, 4/16/22

Picture: By Joshua Earle on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/cGwfkwHmt98

577. A New World Endeavor (Not Order)

Why are those with the least vision,

Always given control of humanities’ fate?

They, who strive to build division,

With a lying smile, and call themselves “Great”?

Have we yet to learn our lesson?

Must we keep on repeating the same old mistakes?

When will we join and take action?

And end this irrational loop?… For God sakes!

It’s time for a better future.

One built on the hopes, loves, and freedoms of all men.

A vision, clear, as to never again obscure,

The human rights inherent to all men.

A world with a vision for tomorrow,

Replete with expansion and new innovation,

Where, without and within, we thrive and grow,…

Not a perfect, but at least, a free, world-nation,

Which forsakes destruction, for creation.

K. Aldaya, 2/24/22

Picture 1: By Saketh Garuda on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/SHY-CKpYjrE

Picture 2: By Greg Rosenke on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/1TjORT2dLOw