586. Beyond

I long for my ancestors.

Please help me find my way.

Why must I live apart from you?

Day by day by day?

I long for your wisdom,

To find me,…so far from home.

Please whisper to my heart,

Ancient prophecies etched on tome.

Lead me to the old temples,

Of vision and insight,

To discover the way forward,

On the path most right.

Dance with me in gladness,

And sit with me through the pain.

Grant me resiliency.

Help me to take no day in vain.

I long for my ancestors.

Please hear my sincere prayer.

I feel so lost without you here,

Though, life is not fair.

So, I must do my best,

In the arms of far exile.

Beyond the temple doors,

I take on the universe,…mile by mile.

K. Aldaya, 6/21/22

Picture: By Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/251hbdY3M4E

580. Transcendence

Look to the stars, Earth Children!

Look to the stars!

The moon is beckoning.

The universe is calling.

Do not feel confined ‘tween Venus and Mars.

Wander, live, and take wing!

Out there, in the vast expanse,…

Out,…beyond Earth,

Are adventures untold,…

Endless worlds undiscovered.

For what is life and humanity worth,

When left unaccomplished?

Unpolished by experience,

And tarnished by pride.

Stunted by triviality,

While subdued by technicality;

And our home, on the Earth,

Where we try and hide,

From our future potentiality.

Look to the stars, Earth Children!

Look to the stars!

Heaven’s gates are open.

The only question is when?

When will we expand and explore the stars?

And draw, with universe to pen,

The masterpiece entitled:

“The Transcendence of Men”.

K. Aldaya, 4/16/22

Picture: By Joshua Earle on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/cGwfkwHmt98

433. I Walk Away from Yesterday


I walk away from yesterday,

With hope upon my back;

It weighs me down as I make my way,

Toward a future, and there is no turning back.

What if I can not take the weight,

Of what will and won’t be?

Will the journey be worth the fate,

That the choices made, will cultivate for me?

I know not where this path will lead,

Nor how to grasp each day.

All I know is it’s best to concede,

Then stand in place, never moving either way.

I walk away from yesterday,

With hope upon my back;

It weighs me down as I make my way,

Toward a future, and there is no turning back.

K. Aldaya, 4/6/18

Picture: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/676096


212. Home


When hearts are a-lit,

In the earliest dawns;

They burst out like stars,

In darkest of midnights,

Resplendently glowing,

Forsaking ‘forgones’.

A-lighting the way,

Toward a place to call home.

When days are young,

The hours seem vast,

An infinite wave,

Of ebb and flow passed,

Into the ‘morrow,


On grains as they fall,

Through the minds endless ocean……alone.

K. Aldaya, 2009

Picture:  Artist Unknown; http://hdwallpaper.freehdw.com/hdw001/morning_purple_sunrise-wide.jpg