609. Realignment

Love helps us grow,

And reach the heights,

Of self-accomplishment…

And lends its sights,

On humanities betterment;

And future flights…

Of fancy.

New concepts…hopes,

Lift hearts and minds,

To the breadth of spacetime…

Reading the signs,

Of eternal reason and rhyme,

Which realigns…

Man…with God.

K. Aldaya, 3/6/23

Picture: By Casey Horner on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/JIdmuiF9luY

586. Beyond

I long for my ancestors.

Please help me find my way.

Why must I live apart from you?

Day by day by day?

I long for your wisdom,

To find me,…so far from home.

Please whisper to my heart,

Ancient prophecies etched on tome.

Lead me to the old temples,

Of vision and insight,

To discover the way forward,

On the path most right.

Dance with me in gladness,

And sit with me through the pain.

Grant me resiliency.

Help me to take no day in vain.

I long for my ancestors.

Please hear my sincere prayer.

I feel so lost without you here,

Though, life is not fair.

So, I must do my best,

In the arms of far exile.

Beyond the temple doors,

I take on the universe,…mile by mile.

K. Aldaya, 6/21/22

Picture: By Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/251hbdY3M4E

92. A Burning Vision

Sitting still, as still can be,

Knowing that I cannot see,

Anything behind of me.

Hear the creaking ever closer,

But there sit, and do not stir;

Wait for something to occur.

Close, so close , that I can feel,

Breath behind. Almost surreal.

Longing for a screams’ repeal!


Silence but for the soft sound,

As evils’ heart does pound and pound,

In my ears the beats resound!

The terror comes o’er in whole,

A terror without console,

Begetting a tormented soul.

Hand quickly seizes my arm,

So sudden as to cause alarm,

Which foreshadows coming harm.

Frozen. Too scared to make a move,

This vision I must now remove,

For all things to improve.

With a spark of strength I turn,

To see what I cannot discern,

‘Bout this vision that does burn.

Black, cold, and bitter sights,

Fill my heart with dreadful frights,

And a blaze inside ignites.

K. Aldaya, 10/28/04

Picture: “Rabid” by Charles Bodi: http://www.charlesbodi.com/; http://ridemypony.com/index.php/2007/11/16/rabid/