610. Appreciative Depreciation

I forget I’m human all the time…

That I have a voice,

And a say,

And although things won’t always go my way,

That I can speak out, and have a choice.

I forget I’m human all the time…

Yet, I’ve decided…

It’s okay.

It’s just a human body anyway;

And we’re more than where we’ve resided.

I forget I’m not human sometimes…

That I am a soul,

And not bone,

And it’s normal to feel lost and alone…

As we journey, mere sparks of a whole…


K. Aldaya, 3/14/23

Picture: By Nikita Shirokov on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/0C0scqtrthY

598. Companion

I truly don’t know what to say,

And even less, what to do,

For here on Earth there are some things,

Which can not be worked through.

I truly wish I knew the way,

So I could give you a clue;

Yet, that would merely be false hope…

I won’t do that to you.

All I can say is bide your time,

Pray and live each day anew,

For there’s not more to say than this:

I am here with you too.

K. Aldaya, 12/5/22

Picture: By Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/QZ9PsYOfwuM

586. Beyond

I long for my ancestors.

Please help me find my way.

Why must I live apart from you?

Day by day by day?

I long for your wisdom,

To find me,…so far from home.

Please whisper to my heart,

Ancient prophecies etched on tome.

Lead me to the old temples,

Of vision and insight,

To discover the way forward,

On the path most right.

Dance with me in gladness,

And sit with me through the pain.

Grant me resiliency.

Help me to take no day in vain.

I long for my ancestors.

Please hear my sincere prayer.

I feel so lost without you here,

Though, life is not fair.

So, I must do my best,

In the arms of far exile.

Beyond the temple doors,

I take on the universe,…mile by mile.

K. Aldaya, 6/21/22

Picture: By Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/251hbdY3M4E

570. What Was All Of It For?

As we grow older, we wonder,

What was all of it for?

Is there some rhyme or reason,

For all that comes before?

Astute men throughout the ages,

Have made many a claim;

Though what’s the use in guessing,

When no one’s lived the same?

Are experiences naught more,

Than sense and memory?

Which float and flutter inside,

‘Til souls, from the world, flee?

Will anything be learned or changed?

Will all we are be lost?

If all that pain was for nothing,

Was it not then, too high a cost?

As we grow older, we wonder,

What was all of it for?

Is there some rhyme of reason,

For all that comes before?

Though ev’rything has it’s season,

Aren’t we left as incomplete lore?

When here on earth there is no road,

That leads through another soul’s door?

K. Aldaya, 1/13/22

Picture: By: Ilya Shishikhin on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/-K7yvsDvj2g

564. Interstellar: Hope Against Hope

Humanity used and hurt me for it’s gain,

And when I cried out in pain,

It consumed my voice.

Fear and suspicion pervaded all the stars.

They claimed “theirs”, of what was ours,

And eclipsed the sun.

Now I pine in this interstellar darkness,

Writing on of my distress,

And though it may be useless,…

Send it into space.

K. Aldaya, 11/15/21

Picture: By Adrian Gaede on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/ddwLvLf-7ao