585. That Which No One Seeks

That, which no one seeks,

Will never be found.

Who will seek for life,

With death all around?

For who will search for answers,

When ignorance is bliss?

Who will want the answers,

When death seals with a kiss?

That, which no one seeks,

Will never be found.

Who will claim the stars,

When they’re on the ground?

Who will ask the questions,

Which no one dares to ask?

And who will look for answers,

Beyond their human mask?

That, which no one seeks,

Will never be found.

Who will seek for light,

With gloom all around?

For life fades so quickly,

And time is not our friend.

It’s said: “Live…Thinking is sickly!”,…

“You don’t matter when you end”.

That which no one seeks,

Will never be found.

Too late,…the soul you seek,…

Is eternally unbound,…

…..Too late,….they can’t be found….

K. Aldaya, 6/20/22

Picture: By cdd20 on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/7sUlk1-PLZ0

473. Everyone Picks a Side

I wonder why I question why?

My whole life…over and over I try,

To understand, and bridge the gap,

‘Tween truth and lie;

But it’s all a trap.

When truth is found, it’s rarely heard;

And when lies drift, ears hear every word.

It’s not a question of wrong or right,

Rather what’s most absurd,

Is brought to light.

It’s been said that for evil to exist,

Good men must do nothing,…and insist,

That, “It’s best to just stay out of it”.

Yet if men want good to persist,

They can not simply ignore it.

If you speak, or not, you make…

A choice, for yours, or anothers’ sake.

There is no way to stay out of this,

For every person has a stake;

An opportunity to miss.

I wonder why I question why?

My whole life…over and over I try,

To understand why people look away,

And hold on tightly to every lie;

When all they have to do is play….

Rather than watch from the sidelines;

‘Til all is lost,…and then walk away.

K. Aldaya, 4/30/19

275. Rest Your Head Upon My Shoulder


Rest your head upon my shoulder,

And I will rest there too.

I’m so tired of trying,

I’ve failed, and the past I can’t undo.

Rest upon my shoulder dear friend.

Your warmth and breath are mine;

In time woven together.

Forget the passing hours and be mine.

Rest now and be at peace my friend,

For time will make us pay.

For stealing what is not ours;

Oh yes, we will have to pay someday.

Rest down your head and do not think,

Of days which slip us by;

And let all cares float away,

As we dream under the fated-sky.

Rest your head upon my shoulder,

And I will rest there too.

My veins are parched and drying…

I’ve failed….and the past I can’t undo….

K. Aldaya, 8/11/14

Picture:  Photographer Unknown; http://thesavvysistah.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/sunday-morning-inspiration-lean-on-me.jpg

95. Too Late


It’s too late. Far too late.

Why do some think they can change things past date?

It’s too late. Far too late.

Nothing can ever change the past: a closed gate.

It’s too late. Far too late.

Things will never go or change.

Past is fate!

It’s too late. Far too late.

Nothing will e’er be better,

So don’t wait.

It’s too late. Far too late.

Don’t think the pain will soon leave,

And be straight.

It’s too late. Far too late.

I know the truth about the past,

That all hate!

It’s too late. Far too late.

None want to believe there is…ever the weight!

K. Aldaya, 11/04/04

Picture:  Photographer Unknown; http://ih0.redbubble.net/image.6655570.0980/flat,550×550,075,f.jpg