583. Disinformation and Lies

If truth hurts someone’s feelings,…

It’s disinformation,…

Though hurting you for it’s the state of the nation.

Politicians start race wars,

While blaming you and me,…

And praise morality,…

While spreading bigotry.

The masses tally point-cards,…

In games of victimhood,…

Then throw help away,…

Victimizing victimhood.

–People grow ever more tired and cruel,

Behind screens,…comments, texts, and tweets.

Trashed for each typo and misword,…

Passed with nary an eye to meet.–

What good’s a mouth that’s muzzled?

What good’s a mind, unwise?

What good’s a human heart,…

Where love can not arise?

K. Aldaya, 5/19/22

Picture: By: Maarten Scheer on Unsplash; https://unsplash.com/photos/7Ouf2hMCYi4