605. Valorous

Let me offer some hard-learned advice,

About struggle and sacrifice.

No matter how strong you are,

One day you will think twice,

And denounce every scar.

“Life is not worth living anymore”,

You will say…but you must endure!

For those few precious moments…

Of joyfulness…so pure.

Life’s in the experience,

So fight on with great valor!

K. Aldaya, 1/22/23

Picture: Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider; https://www.thefandomentals.com/why-we-need-vikanders-lara-croft/

575. I’ve Got My Own Back

I have nothing to say to you,

I’m stronger on my own.

I don’t need anything from you.

I prefer to be alone.

Humans usually want something;

They, are rarely selfless,

And I do not have anything…

To give up, so it’s useless.

I can appreciate some things,

Provided by the pack,

But the bite of betrayal stings,

And I’ve learned from each attack,

That I can not depend on you,

And I’ve got my own back.

K. Aldaya, 2/16/22

Gif: From Black Widow; https://www.pinterest.com/pin/492862752980525627/

530. Let Go

They’ll tell you not to try,

And tell you that you can’t.

They’ll tell you there are limits,

And those without them: “Intransigent!”.

I’ve known so many such as them,

And I’ve come to realize,

The strength and courage within you,

They’ll never accept or recognize.

So don’t ever hold yourself back,

For the sake of someone who “cares”.

No one will hold you back for your sake.

They’ll hold you back for theirs.

K. Aldaya, 1/18/21

Picture: From New Girl; https://giphy.com/gifs/new-girl-fox-new-girl-xT0BKrCsKse91wFt72

247. Soar Higher


Into the world my child, she flies…,

Away and soars; but I am scared.

Will she be safe and always wise?

Did I teach her everything,

She needs to touch the skies?

And can I trust the world which I’ve never trusted?

To care for and protect one of my dearest treasures?

World of people through whose acts I am disgusted.

Who poisoned my heart until it broke and rusted.

Yet even I cannot protect,

Her, or him, or I from this life.

Control: an illusion’s inject,

So life we do not from the start reject.

If we thought about how each moment is taken,….

Stolen right in front of our eyes: so we close them;

We’d go crazy or mad, and sickness awaken.

So we say:  “Reasons are not godforsaken!”.

Whether there’s meaning to it all,

I know not and I dare not say.

I only know what’s to fear therewithal.

I pray she’ll be able to fly when in fall!

—-praying:  “Don’t be like me…., Please don’t end up like me at all!”

K. Aldaya, 8/6/13

Picture: “Tiny Dancer” by insanelaurenjane at Deviant Art; http://www.deviantart.com/art/Tiny-Dancer-352280439

245. Why Do I Want to Live?


Why do I want to live when life has no point?

Why do I want to live when all I do is disappoint?

Why do I want to live when death is the only goal?

Why do I want to live when I’m not even sure I have a soul?

Why do I want to live?

I will tell you why.

Because I exist and it’s all that I know.

Because I don’t want to lie…..

Silenced forever in a grave when I die.

Why do I want to live when I’ll die anyway someday?

Because I’m afraid and hope to be stronger one day;

So when death greets me I’ll smile and say,

“I’m ready to be on my way!”

K. Aldaya, 7/25/13

Picture:  Photographer Unknown; http://favim.com/image/464660/