606. Only God

Nobody can help you.

Not her, not him, not me.

There is no one upon the earth,

Who can be there for you, fully.

Humans are mere mortals,

So don’t expect too much.

This life is simply a pathway,

To the next existence, as such.

No one has the answers,

Or can promise to stay.

For no one is given the choice,

To keep time from running astray.

Only God has answers,

And only He is there,

When everyone else goes away,

Only He will still see you, and care.

So sit with Him awhile,

And talk to Him of doubt.

Come to know that all will be well,

Within your spirit, and without.

Only God can help you.

Not her, not him, not me.

God is there…watching and waiting,

At the door of eternity.

K. Aldaya, 1/25/23

Picture: By Durmus Kavcioglu on Unsplash; https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2539953/?ref_=tt_ov_st

558. You Can Not Guarantee Tomorrow

You can not guarantee tomorrow,

So why must you steal away our today?

Let us live, and love, and laugh so,…

We don’t waste our lives away,

In fear of the inevitable.

You can not guarantee our safety.

You can not even guarantee your own.

Life and time pass us by swiftly.

So, why spend our time alone,

When today could be our final one?

You can not guarantee life at all.

It only guarantees you’re a liar,

For we all live and someday fall.

Life is hard, and often dire,…

Though a vast journey from start to end.

Do not guarantee us tomorrow,

And do not plan, and scheme, and try to steal,…

From the stories you’ll never know.

Life is like a spinning wheel,

Which moves ever onward steadily.

So, do not guarantee tomorrow.

I am more than content with my today.

Let me live, and love, and laugh so,…

When it’s my time I can say,

“I did not miss tomorrow, because I lived today”.

K. Aldaya, 8/15/21

GIF: From the music video “Summer Wine” by Lana Del Rey; https://weheartit.com/entry/317798351