428. H(a)unted

I am h(a)unted by the past,

It stalks me in the night;

Pounds on the doors of my mind,

And causes endless fright,…

In passing.

I am h(a)unted by the past,

It preys upon my fear,

With arrows ready for the kill;

And I, just another de(e)ar,…

Am game.

I am h(a)unted by the past,

It follows in my wake;

Relentlessly, after my life,

For the past we can’t forsake,…

Or change.

I am h(a)unted by the past,

It’s traps are placed and ready,

To spring when least expected.

The path’s long, and feet unsteady,…

As I step onward,….ever onward,…

To live.

K. Aldaya, 2/27/18

Picture: https://www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-16391017-stock-footage-romantic-woman-in-forest.html?src=rel/23381599:1/gg

427. I Am a Fighter


I am a fighter.

I fight my own demons.

I would die to live,

And always give all I can give,…

To survive.

I am a fighter.

I bleed out to be here.

Dig-in…stand my ground.

My mangled fists, they throw and pound,

Against fate.

I am a fighter.

I fight on for my life.

Don’t stand in my way.

I’ve fought for every single day,

Of my life.

I am a fighter.

I will jab, cross, and hook.

Slip, pull, and defend,

Until I meet my KO’d end…

…I will fight!

K. Aldaya, 2/2/18

Picture: Song Ga Yeon; https://www.pinterest.com/pin/492862752963861058/

417. I Dare You!


I dare you to try and placate my rage.

I dare you: Try and put me in a cage.

I dare you to try and fight ‘gainst your fate.

I dare you: Repent, before it’s too late.

I dare you to perceive how ‘real’ pain feels;

Pain without pleasure, assuage, or appeals.

I dare you to try and tread on my back.

I dare you. Step forward, coward. Attack!

You are a coward. A killer. A cad.

You want a victim? Well, that is too bad.

I dare you to try and silence my voice.

There’s only one option. Only one choice.

I dare you to laugh aloud at my pain.

I dare you to cut…Leave another stain.

For as long as I have an ounce of life,

You better watch your back, ’cause I have your knife!

K. Aldaya, 11/17/17

Picture: Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander in “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo“; http://www.curiouswriter.com/lisbeth-salander-is-back/

367. Savage


I am a savage.

I remember my days in the jungle.

The feel of mud ‘tween my toes.

The rush of adrenaline,

From head to toe.

Blood raging to win.

I am a savage.

I remember my nights under the moon.

The feel of winds blowing over,

The heavy lids of the earth,

Falling to cover.

In death is rebirth.

I am a savage.

I remember my days on the Earth.

The feel of dust and thirst.

The yearning to drink and feast.

Devoured or nursed.

Nothing but a beast.

K. Aldaya, 9/18/16

Picture: Original Source Unknown; http://sscinnovate.blogspot.com/2013/06/review-barefoot-minimalist-and-forefoot.html

341. The War for Survival


The skies have grown black near the sea this eve.

Even the ocean, muddied, is fit to receive…

The death with follows the tornadoes of war,

Which spread from the shorefront to the steps of each door.

Waves crash and sting the eyes of the weary,

Who stroll through the streets as ghosts: silent and eerie.

Bodies float away and one man with a clipboard,

Counts each one seen with his pen like a sword.

The shelters are gone. There is nowhere to run,

And each man carries his own personal gun;

To fight back the tide of inevitable gloom.

Yet how many bullets will save even one from their doom?

The world is awash with an ocean of change,

Which washes all men and turns them deranged.

They bury the dead in mass graves without markers,

Then walk off with the smiles which living desires.

For who can keep walking on the bones of the fallen,

Without falling too deep into the sickness of men?…

Who have fallen before us begging for mercy;

And died at the gunpoint of their own misery.

The masses walk on with guns in both hands.

There’s no time for thinking. No time to make plans.

Is this war really worth it?…The bodies and the blood,

Of all the life of this planet buried in the mud?

The war continues…there’s no more to be said.

Shoot down your brother so you don’t end up dead.

Yet how will you save your soul from your sins.

For when your body soon rots the real fight begins.

K. Aldaya, 3/15/16

Picture: Originally posted by Gloomy Rules on Tumblr; http://giphy.com/gifs/shark-attack-ocean-storm-thunder-gifs-dOCG720yNqAms